I am interested in getting some feedback from students (and parents) as to whether or not we should continue with the contest in the second trimester. Please comment by clicking on the "comment" link at the bottom of the post and include the following information:
1. Yes or No
2. Why or Why Not
3. Your First Name and Last Initial
I think we should continue because even though it can be a pain its really fun
quinn m.
2.Because it's fun and it lets us learn about the stock market. My dad thinks it's great and wants you to get some kind of award for it.
3.Duncan Deutsch
yes!!! because we can make money and it was very fun! it also teaches us that we need to look up the stock before buying it!
I think we should do the Stock Market Contest because it gives us a better understanding on how the Market works in real life. Lets do it again!
We shoould do this again because losers will get another chance to win. Also, now we know how it works and it will be easier and more fun!
-Emma B.
we should deffinetly do this again because it is fun to make money and buy things.
We should do it again because some people didn't know what to do and when they understood they had already gone in dept alot.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scott Hayford~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yeah cause the people who lost would get another chance and it is really really PHUN! :P
Lily S.
yes I think we should because it is really fun to do and I learned alot by trading and a want to find out the great stocks to buy.It was very fun learning how to trade and buy stocks
Hunter C
We should definitely continue it. It's really fun, even when you're behind $10,000 (I should know). Christian Henriksen...
We definately should continue this game because it is a good learning experience and it teaches us about the economy.
Riley Dirks
Yes i do think that we should do it again because it was very fun and i made 50 bucks for bieng third in my class and i am very proud of myself but it was fun to do and it gives us experience with stocks and to wrap it up LETS DO IT AGAIN OR ELSE I WILL BE REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY MAD AND ANGRY!
hello mr.talmadge. i definitly agree that we should the stock market contest again this trimester. first we would be better now that we know how to do it. second it was fun. third it will prepare us even more for our future. i don't think that you want to take away from us. thankyou for your time.
cameron w. :)
I think we should continue with the stock market game because it teaches us valuable skills for later in life. It is a good thing to do also because it is good practice for keeping track of something.
Kevin M.
Yes, I think we should do it again because it's showing what are good stocks, and making us choose wisely to get up high in the charts. Also I've learned a lot personally about stocks and how important they are. So can we please have the stock market contest again!!!!
Thanks, Karlee O'Keefe
hey mr.talamdge,
☺ ya we should totally continue the stock market contest because it is fun, educating, and a great way t learn about the economy!!! ☺
-Taylor M p.6
I think that we should do the stock market contest again, because learning how to deal with stock markets can help us later on in life:)
And if we can manage our stocks later on then we can become rich!!!! cha-ching!!!!
So, please Mr. Talmadge let us do the stock market contest again!!!!:)
<3 Codee Bishop XD
1.)yes, i do think we should continue the stock market
2.)I think we should continue because it gives us all a chance to start over and do better in the contest and that way the people who didn't win can have a chance to win not to forget that it can teach us how to use the stock market smartly.
Maddy Hutchison
yes i would like to contiune doing how the market works because its fun and i want to see if i can try to make it out of the hundreds.
- *Ruth Isaac*
i would like to continue the contest but with some revision of the rules so you may by a lot more stocks... also i think we should start out with a clean slate and completely start the contest over again
-Zach U.
Yes we should continue the how the market works but that it shouldn't be in a contest form. As it is, how the market works is all about making more money than the guy next to you instead of teaching you how to use the stock market. That tends to get brushed aside in the rush to win.
yes i think we should do the stock market game because i got my mom and dad on it and every day they watch the news they go on thier computer to check how they are doing and it gives me a good experiance on how the stock market works in the future
Brandon H. Sletten
Yeah definitely it was a great experience for me to learn a little about the market and now am probably ready for the real market once i'm eighteen
yes that would be a great idea.... when we started it was kind of boring but i found out it was teaching us about how stocks work. we can also use this information and knowledge we get from the contest for use later in our lives... so again i think we should continue the stock market contest.
Ally J.
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